What Is Alkaline Water and What Are Its Benefits?

Woman's hand holding out a full clear glass of water

It’s no secret that drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day is good for your health. As studies suggest, staying hydrated can improve your productivity, mood, memory, energy level, and clarity. But what if we told you that there’s something you can drink that will not only hydrate you faster and longer than regular drinking water, but also improve your blood, bone, and organ health? Would you believe us? Well, you better…because it’s true with alkaline water! 

Chances are you’ve probably heard the term alkaline water used by bottled water companies like SmartWater®, Essentia®, and Flow®, and you may have even bought yourself a bottle because of the health benefits associated with the buzzword. But do you know what alkaline water is and what the benefits are from drinking it? Don’t worry, your Quench water experts are here to explain.

What Is Alkaline Water?

To put it simply, alkaline water is water that has a higher potential hydrogen than regular drinking water. The pH level is measured by the number of hydrogen ions that exist in a given solution. According to the United States Geological Survey, high concentrations of hydrogen ions yield a low pH (acidic substances), whereas low levels of hydrogen ions result in a high pH (basic substances).

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Anything below 7 (ranging from 0 to 6.9) is acidic, and anything above 7 (ranging from 7.1 to 14) is basic. The blood in your veins is slightly basic (pH = 7.4), whereas soap (pH = 12) and bleach (pH = 13) are highly basic. On the other hand, coffee is slightly acidic (pH = 5) and tomato juice (pH = 4) and lemon juice (pH = 2) are highly acidic.

The term “alkaline” gets used interchangeably with “basic but they’re not exactly the same. Alkaline compounds (alkali) are substances, like salts, metals, and minerals, that, when added to water, make it more basic. Water always contains some amount of dissolved solids including minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, but alkaline water tends to have a higher amount of total dissolved solids, which increases its pH level. Regular drinking water is typically neutral with a pH level of 7 and alkaline water is slightly basic with a pH level of about 8 or 9.

Is Alkaline Water Good for You? 

So, is alkaline water healthy? And is it better for you than regular water? Well, that depends. Because alkaline water boasts a pH level higher than regular tap water, some studies suggest it may offer advantages like improved hydration, better acid-base balance, and potentially increased longevity. Plus, advocates claim it can counteract acidity in the bloodstream while aiding in disease prevention. However, it’s widely agreed that more extensive investigations are necessary to determine alkaline waters’ sustained benefits over time.

Is It Safe To Drink Alkaline Water Every Day?

Alkaline water usually contains beneficial minerals, making daily consumption generally safe for most people. However, excessive intake can lead to potential side effects due to its impact on the body’s natural pH balance. These may include gastrointestinal problems or mineral imbalances, making it crucial to maintain a balanced diet and observe how your body reacts to alkaline water consumption. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance based on individual needs. 

With the ongoing debate regarding the effects of drinking alkaline water, we’ll dive deeper into its potential benefits in the following section. 

What Are the Benefits of Alkaline Water?

The idea that alkaline water is medicinal, curative, and able to bring about optimal health seems to be based on the belief that acidic properties in the body and blood are the cause of ill health and disease and need to be neutralized. Therefore, a more alkaline body will lead to better health.

Alkaline water contains four major minerals that contribute to its remarkable health benefits:

There are many claims when it comes to the benefits of drinking alkaline water, including immune system support, weight loss, and cancer resistance. Although these claims are notable, they lack proven scientific research. However, there are several incredible health benefits to drinking alkaline water that have been scientifically proven and we’re here to share them with you.

1. Improve Bone Health

A study published in the scientific journal Bone found a positive effect on bone resorption (i.e., the process where old bone cells are broken down and replaced by new ones) in people who consumed alkaline water rich in bicarbonate. Less bone resorption and more mineral density result in better bone strength. 

2. Soothe Acid Reflux

Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology reports that drinking alkaline water at pH 8.8 can help soothe acid reflux. This is because the higher pH level kills pepsin, an enzyme involved in breaking down food proteins and a main cause of acid reflux. Prolonged acid reflux can lead to damage and the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

3. Reduce High Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, and Cholesterol

According to a study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, scientists in Shanghai found that three to six months after drinking alkaline water, people with high blood pressure (hypertension), high blood sugar (diabetes), and high blood lipids (cholesterol) had lower measures in each of these factors. Researchers also found that a high-pH electrolyte water reduced blood viscosity, which may help reduce cardiovascular strain due to dehydration.

4. Enhance Hydration

A Biology of Sport study suggests that drinking alkaline water has positive effects on hydration after anaerobic exercise, reducing urine gravity. It also improves urine pH during the exercise and enhances lactate utilization after high-intensity intervals. This leads to greater energy levels since lactate serves as a fuel source for muscles.

Individuals who consumed regular drinking water, on the other hand, showed no changes over the same period. These results indicate that the habitual consumption of alkaline water may be a valuable nutritional vector influencing acid-base balance, hydration status, and energy levels in active, healthy adults.

5. Increase Longevity

A study looking at the impact of alkaline water consumption on 150 mice over three years found signs of enhanced longevity. In other words, the mice drinking alkaline water aged less and had a higher likelihood of longer life spans. Historical analysis also reveals the organs of mice drinking alkaline water closely resembled those of control mice, which suggests potential benefits for humans.

6. Offer Antioxidant Properties

Research reveals that alkaline water activates potent antioxidant enzymes like Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). This enables them to directly combat the production and buildup of free radicals throughout the body’s tissues. Because of these potential antioxidant properties, consuming alkaline water may aid in protecting cells from damage and reducing oxidative stress. 

Answering Alkaline Water FAQs

Let’s dive into some of the most common questions people have about alkaline water and its consumption: 

What Does Alkaline Water Taste Like?

Alkaline water does have a slightly different taste compared to tap water, which can be attributed to its higher pH level and the presence of minerals like calcium and magnesium. It’s typically smoother with a slightly sweeter taste. Some people may not notice a significant taste difference, while others may find it more palatable and refreshing than regular water. 

How Is Alkaline Water Different From Regular Water?

The primary difference between alkaline and regular water is their pH level: Alkaline water has a higher pH, usually above 7, indicating it’s less acidic. There’s also a presence of minerals, which contribute to its basicity. What’s more, some alkaline waters undergo an ionization process that further increases its pH and antioxidant properties — setting this drinking water option apart from standard tap or bottled water. 

Is Alkaline Water More Environmentally Friendly Than Bottled Water?

Alkaline water is generally thought to be more environmentally friendly than bottled water — depending on how it’s produced and consumed. This is because making alkaline water at home, whether by adding alkalizing agents or opting for a water ionizer or filtration system, reduces the need for single-use plastic bottles. It cuts down on both plastic waste and carbon emissions associated with bottled water delivery services. 

In fact, switching to a bottleless cooler from Quench can save 7,000 single-use plastic bottles from going into landfills or oceans annually. Ultimately, introducing filtration systems and opting for refillable containers boosts the eco-friendliness of this drinking water option.

How Can You Make Alkaline Water?

If you’ve been wanting to make alkaline water at home or your workplace, there are several ways you can do so. One option is to infuse regular water with alkaline-rich ingredients such as lemon or lime slices, baking soda, or pH drops. These additives increase the water’s pH level to make it more alkaline. You can also invest in a water ionizer machine, which electronically adjusts pH to produce alkaline water. 

Another option is to explore filtration technologies from trusted water service providers like Quench, which can give you more control over the alkalinity and cleanliness of your water supply. But more on that below. 

How To Get Alkaline Water

quenchWATER+ is our Quench-branded, mineral-infused, and electrolyte-enhanced alkaline water. We produce quenchWATER+ using state-of-the-art filtration technology. Our proprietary 5-filter setup produces the cleanest water through our reverse osmosis (RO) system but also removes minerals that can be naturally occurring in the water. To create quenchWATER+, we have added the Mineral+ filter to the filtration process. The pure RO water passes over compressed minerals in our Mineral+ filter to add back a blend of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and other healthy minerals — creating amazing-tasting alkaline water.

Quench currently offers quenchWATER+ in our Q series machines. Those machines provide an uninterrupted quenchWATER+ refreshment throughout the day and offer advanced sanitization technology, including LED ultraviolet light and antimicrobial surface protection, to maintain water quality. Q series tall ergonomic “no-bend” dispensing freestanding designs allow the quenchWATER+ system to be installed directly inside the base of the machine, creating a completely closed system.

So, what are you waiting for? Get a free estimate to get quenchWATER+ for your workplace today!