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Quench Water Experts

5 Ways Your Business Can Support National Hydration Day

Woman drinking water at work desk

Staying properly hydrated keeps our bodies running smoothly and supports our overall health. National Hydration Day raises awareness about hydration and presents an opportunity to establish good water-drinking habits. Water is the body’s second most important nutrient after oxygen, so it’s important to replenish your body’s supply of it every day.  National Hydration Day also […] Continue Reading

How Your Business Can Support Plastic Free July

plastic cups and straws

Did you know that just 20 companies create over half the world’s plastic waste? There is hope for reducing plastic waste and saving our planet and oceans. Plastic Free July challenges individuals and businesses around the world to examine their plastic use and explore ways to reduce it. It has inspired more than 100 million […] Continue Reading

Is There a Difference Between Seltzer and Sparkling Water? — Considering the Switch To Carbonated Beverage Options at Work

Sparkling water bottles in meeting room

Finding ways to drive hydration in your workplace can be difficult, but it’s a necessity to keep your customers and guests happy while ensuring your employees maintain peak performance. However, offering regular water might not be enough to promote proper water intake throughout the day. That’s why organizations are quickly considering carbonated beverage options — […] Continue Reading

Ways Your Business Can Reduce Plastic Pollution in the Oceans

Turtle in ocean next to plastic bottle

June 8th is World Oceans Day, a day to celebrate the role our oceans play for our planet and in our everyday lives. While we as individuals can certainly do our part, businesses can make an even bigger impact on reducing plastic pollution in the ocean. (In 2019, research found that more than 90% of […] Continue Reading

Why Does My Water Smell Like Sewage?

pollution pouring into a water source

There’s nothing worse than a foul odor coming from your drinking water and it’s even worse when the smell of sewage is seeping out of your faucet. The sewage smell you’re experiencing, which may also resemble the smell of dirt or rotten eggs, could be the result of a few different factors including, but not limited to, gases […] Continue Reading

Why Does My Water Taste Sweet?


Not all glasses of H₂O are created equal. Sometimes it may taste metallic, or it may smell like chlorine. But what about when your water has a sweet aftertaste? This may be indicating a high concentration of naturally occurring minerals or an imbalance in your water’s alkaline or pH levels. In any case, it is important to […] Continue Reading

Ice Machine Maintenance Companies Near Me and the Services They Provide

service tech with arm over ice machine

Fresh ice cubes are a great way to add a little something extra to your workplace water supply. However, if these machines aren’t properly maintained, they’re unlikely to support hydration in your workforce and customers. If you currently employ an ice maker or are considering one for your business, it’s essential to understand how to […] Continue Reading

Considering a Hot and Cold Water Dispenser for Your Business

man dispensing hot and cold water dispenser

Do your current drinking water systems give your employees, guests, and customers instant access to both hot and cold water? If not, it might be time to consider upgrading your water supply to provide your business with both options. Different drinking water temperatures have unique benefits that can promote hydration throughout your organization — ultimately […] Continue Reading

Does Bottled Water Have Chlorine? — Finding The Right Drinking Water Option for Your Needs

hand grabbing bottled water off the shelf

Ensuring you have access to clean drinking water should always be a priority. Hydration is a key factor in reaching new levels of productivity and efficiency. Moreover, it can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being. According to Healthline, water is essential in improving energy levels, boosting your mood, lowering your resting heart rate, […] Continue Reading